Since the inception of futures Upfront in the early 2020s, we have been involved in many projects. We deliver large state-wide initiatives on behalf of organisations and we run small one-off workshops for community organisations. We work alongside peers with disability and we present research to CEOs.
In the process we often develop loads of resources, incl. training and learning manuals, on-line self-paced workbooks, loads of videos and more. Some of those resources can be found here.
Resources you can find here
In the process we often develop loads of resources, incl. training and learning manuals, on-line self-paced workbooks, loads of videos and more. Some of those resources can be found here.
Resources you can find here
- all the workbooks from the Person Centred Practice Across Cultures project
- plenty of great videos and learning resources in Ways to Welcome
- Talkin' Together - a whole bunch of resources on how to Co-design and deliver a project. And loads of videos and workbooks on the right of consumer.
- Disability Justice Project includes a self-paced learning resource with videos and workbooks for worker and organisations who support people with intellectual disability who have come into contact with the law (this also includes a specific resource for supporting people from CALD communities with intellectual disability in contact with the law)
Peer Resources
futures Upfront has been very lucky to work alongside people with disability and their allies developing resources for peers and peer led organisations to strengthen the peer movement and the vision of "Nothing about us without us."
There are plenty of resources. Please get in touch with
ChoicesA workbook for people with disability, their families and allies (developed for My Choice Matters), to get everyone practicing making choices (click here) |
A Good LifeA series of workbooks for people with disability, their families and allies (developed for My Choice Matters), to get everyone thinking about what a Good Life includes and what really matters.
Getting the right helpVideos and a Facilitator’s Guide to assist people with disability, older people and their families and friends to find the right services and get supports that meet their linguistic, cultural and individual needs. The DVD is available in English and has been dubbed into six languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Turkish and Vietnamese (Click here to order your copy) |
Setting up a user-led Disability Support Organisation
Funded through the Practical Design Fund of NDIA, this report tracks and describes the steps involved in setting up a user led organisation. It is based on work undertaken by InControl Australia, NSW members, people with disability and families living in the Hunter and futures Upfront. (click here to view). The result of the work was the establishment of the Community Disability Alliance Hunter.
Everyone counts - Why language services MatterBased on 300 survey responses, 40 in-depth conversations and 7 case studies this report, written together with Maria Katrivesis for National Disability Services, identifies language barrier issues for people accessing disability services and provides resources and recommendations for improvements. (Click here) |